Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cop fired, posing with porn star while on the clock

So today, while reading news, I found out that we apparently have so little crime in the world, that cops have now decided instead of patrolling our streets while on the clock, they'd rather go see porn stars... No kidding, like seriously

I have absolutely no problem with porn stars, I think most of them are great and they do a lot of things that most people in the world wouldn't, and the fact they allow others to see it is just awesome in itself. I also have no problem with what cops, lawyers, judge's or anyone else in an authorative position does on their free time (With the exception of doing anything against children, i.e. child porn, molestion, rape etc.). However, when it comes to instances where my tax dollars are in play I do have an opinion. Like when cops go while on the clock to see porn stars, I have a problem with this, not because they went to see a porn star, but the fact they were on the clock and went to see her (Bridge Powers aka Bridget the Midget), I have a problem with that. We have criminals all over and the police are suppose to be there to stop them from doing their crimes, not busting their nut over porn stars. I am almost positive a criminal isn't going to go and see if the cops are watching porn stars and say "Hmmm he's not ready to catch me so I better wait til the shows over", something tells me they will be more like "Hey they are busy watching this show, it ends in two hours, which gives me plenty of time to break into cars, houses, murder someone and hide the body etc." So put simply, if you are working on the clock, and my tax dollars are paying you, then you bet your bottom you best be doing your job, because if you aren't and something happens and you get fired, I for one will not be standing out protesting your job lose, I'll most likely be standing in the line where we get to kick you in the balls and call you a dumbass.

What's your view on authority figures doing none job related activities while on the clock?

Willow Monroe

P.S. I would like to make it clear that I do enjoy Bridget the Midget, she's so cute, and seems like a great person even in her line of work.

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