Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do I or don't I

So back in 2002, one of my best friends in the whole world decided to take her own life. I was friends with both her and her sister, and brother. I know that they were hurt tremendously by this incident, however in my gut, I feel that it could have easily been avoided. Why, because prior to her deciding to take her own life, my friend and I were in school, and she had went to see the school counselor to tell her that she was feeling depressed, and wanting to harm herself, instead of the counselor taking her seriously (because my friend always seemed happy, she was a girl on the football team and played better then most of the boys, she was great, and always had a smile on her face) the counselor brushed it off, told her she was just wanting more attention, sent her back to our classroom, where she sat for nearly two hours just crying because no one would listen to her. I obviously listened to her, and I told her that she should tell her family to get her in to see an actual therapist, and that I'd always be there if she ever needed me. It was during the summer when I got pregnant and so I didn't get to be there for her that sophmore year, and she died. I don't think the school every came forward and told her parents what they knew, I don't feel that her parents have the slightest idea that the counselors at our school turned her away and brushed it off and told her "you are only wanting attention get back to class". I don't think it's right that they did that, it's been on my conscience since the day I found out she had ended her life. I go and visit her grave every week, I always dream about her as if she were still alive, I cry often because I feel there was something more I should have been able to do, and I have this huge urge to want to tell her family that I feel her death could have been avoided had the school not turned her away. I don't know how to go about doing this though. I don't want to just blurt it out and open old wounds, they may not be fully healed, after all how can one heal after the death of their sibling and/or child. So what would you do, how would you go about telling the family what you know? Would you just remain silent and torture yourself or would you tell them, and hope for the best? Let me know what you guys think, as always thinks for reading and checking back often. I appreciate all the support, replies, comments, and emails I get from each of you.

Willow Monroe


  1. Oh my hun, we are taught that taking one's life is a sin and doing so will place you in hell forever. I do hope your friend isn't there, but I'm just saying that's what i'm taught. I've never had a friend hurt themselves on purpose. You seem to have a lot of experiences for such a young lady, perhaps you should look into writing a book of sorts. I will pray for your friend, her family and you. I will also pray that you god gives you the answers to this problem and any others you may encounter. I would like to add that the school could be at fault for not intervening when told but there is a time limit for that.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your friend that is a horrible thing to have to deal with as a friend, sibling or a parent. I have not been in your situation and hopefully never will be. If you feel it would be best to tell them then I would, if you feel they have not had enough time to heal then I wouldn't.
