Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bugging Out

As promised I would tell all of my “happenings” to make up for my recent absence. Before I begin, let me state a few facts about myself

I hate bugs, plain and simple, I hate them can’t stand don’t want to be around them hate them
I hate spiders, snakes, scorpions, oh and the gecko, not the cute on TV but real ones, which is a story for another time. I also dislike birds of any type, they have beaks they can peck and they dislike me as much as I dislike them, and yes a duck counts as a bird and I’ve had them chase me before and it was not fun, at least not at the time now I can laugh about it lol.
I don’t like snails, slugs, rats, or anything that is remotely slimy, or has a chance of eating its way through a box. There are other things that I dislike but here are just the top few I guess you could say.

So now for my “happening” the other day, it was on Friday I think but not positive, we were going to the wal-mart to get some groceries. My fiancé in the driver seat, me in the middle seat, his work junk riding shotgun, and the kids in the back seat. Music up and windows down, eating sno cones having a jolly time, and what to my horrific surprise do I see, this thing, this big giant bug thing, with what appears to be stingers on its tail, and it’s on me. Of course I scream and knock it off, I quickly remove my seat belt, and am squatting in the seat, both feet in the seat, my fiancé trying to control the car, me trying to climb out while it’s still in motion, all while still screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S A BUG, IT’S A BIG BUG!!!!!!!!!!!! Sno cone is everywhere, the truck comes to a stop, the kids are panicking because mom’s screaming about a bug, (my children are like me, they can’t stand bugs), my fiancé trying to calm me down, begins to move his junk in the seat next to my feet, what to my horror again do I see, the big giant bug, I jump over the seat, am now sitting in my son’s lap with my feet up in the air, screaming about the bug. I help myself up and perch in between the seats themselves, so I’m literally on the top half of the seats in our truck. I’m ask my fiancé in a panicked voice “Did you kill it”, in which he replies “No, and I don’t know where it went.” I lose it again, I have myself a little come apart right there in the middle of the seat, then I hear the kids start screaming “WE SEE IT, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S BACK HERE” I do the most rationale thing, I jump over the seat, open the door jump out of the car, open the back door, grab my kids, and let my fiancé fend for himself, wielding only a shoe to fight the bug. I’ve stopped screaming, the kids have stopped screaming and we are all looking, like “this is it, daddy’s gonna die, the big bug is gonna eat him, then come kill us”, but thankfully my fearless fiancé says “ok, its fine I let it go, its out the car”, in my head I have a thought “what did he say”, so I ask, what did you do with it, did you smash it really good, is it in thousands of bits because if not, it may come back and eat us”, he of course laughs and says, no I let it go, it won’t hurt you. We get back in the car and alls fine, and I tell my fiancé “honey, from now on can you leave the critters that you work with, at your work instead of bringing them home for us to see”, we all laugh and with sno cone soaked seats and clothes, and red faces and messed up hair, we go into our wal-mart and we successfully got our groceries. So what is it that one can learn from this experience, obviously I’m terrified of bugs, you also learn that if you are with me and a bug is around us I’m more prone to having a come apart, you will also notice that a time with me is usually a time filled with laughs, and while many people probably would be offended at their significant other laughing at them, I think it’s one of the greatest things about my fiancé the fact that we can laugh at each other and still love each other means a lot to me, and more times then not he’s usually simply laughing at how I say something, the look on my face, my actions, or the situation in itself, and the fact that after it's all over I'm laughing at me too, makes it even better so I don’t take it personally.

I’ll write about my other experiences with animals I dislike soon, until then, what animal(s) if any do you like or dislike, and how many are you afraid of?

Willow Monroe



  1. Lmao, you are so hilarious, I read your postings and they are funny, well except for the haunted home, that would scare me, i'd leave the damn thing and never come back. I'm so gonna tell my friends to visit your page, you are so animated and funny, I bet your a hoot in real life.

  2. Tanda and Tanda's momAugust 28, 2010 at 7:45 PM

    Hahahaha, I can't believe you did that all over a bug hahahaha. And the post about the deer's, this is hilarious. I'd love for you to come over to my grandpa's house, he lives in the country and there is a lot of wild animals out there. I bet it would be funny as heck seeing you react to stuff hahahaha. Keep up the great posts hun. Post more about your animal stories lol
