Today I went to the vision bank ATM; I’ve never used it before but heard the fees were cheaper than the other bank’s here. So I go to it, slide the card, and then I hear a voice, you ever seen the movie Resident Evil, any of them, you know the little girl Angela Ashford that pops up and says creepy things to the groups as they walk through the hive. Yeah, her voice, it was her voice saying “Hello, thank you for choosing vision bank, please enter your pin.” I’ve never been to a talking ATM, I always go to the boring one’s I guess it just sits there, and gives you money when you slide your card. So I do as she says, I enter my pin number, and then she says to me “please wait while your transaction is processing”, creepy voice, I’m thinking to myself “did you drink too much caffeine today, are you hallucinating”, so of course I ask the kids in the back seat, “do ya’ll hear that voice”, and they’re all “yeah, she sounds like the girl from resident evil, make her say something else mama”, and she does, it spits out my money, and she says “Thank you again for using Vision Bank, Goodbye”. It was crazy, but it sold me on the idea, I’m going to go to the talking ATM from now on, not because of fee’s they are the same as my previous bank, but because it talks. It’s kind of like the gecko on TV, the rates may not be better but not all insurance places have a talking gecko either lol. Is this something new, have you been to a talking ATM what did it sound like, did it sell you on the idea of using them, and if you haven’t would you use a different service if it had a cute little talking gecko, or even a talking ATM?
Willow Monroe
I was about to leave your page and noticed you just posted this, again it's great. The little girl from Resident Evil, hahahaha, "your all going to die down here". I would be use it, i'd go by and check my balance just to hear her voice.