Sunday, August 29, 2010

Help others Donate

Hi everyone, I just realized that I haven't spoken on here about one big aspect of my life. So here we go lol. Several years ago, myself and a few friends, decided that we wanted to help people that are less fortunate than us. We were motivated to do this, after seeing a homeless with his family on a street corner wearing rags. We each took our money together, bought them a burger from McDonalds, (I know its not a lot), and then took them to a good will store where we bought them each a set of clothes and a new pair of shoes. Since then, my friends and I have tried desperately to continue this. We have sent out many letters, asking for people to donate any items that they no longer use, so that we can give them to those that will use them. I know that many people donate their items to the good will, or the salvation army, ours put a price on the items, and I don't think that's fair. I think if they were given the clothes, then they shouldn't be able to put a price on them. So we receive clothes, and boxes of things all the time, and every Saturday we go out and give the donated items to those who are in need of it. How do we know who needs the items? Simple, we have signs posted up around town that encourage those that are in need of things, to send us a note, letter, email, or simply come by and tape a note to the door, with their name, address and the items they need. We don't need a lastname, because I think it's too personal and may deter some people from coming by even when they are in need. So that's what I do on my free time, and every Saturday, the rest of the week, we all go through the boxes and sort out what each person needs and hopefully are able to give them at least something for that week. It makes the people receiving the items happy and it makes me feel amazing. If you would like to donate any items please feel free to contact me, I'll gladly send you the information you need to send it. Thank you again for reading, thanks in advance to any help you can give.

BTW WE DO NOT ACCEPT MONEY!!! If you feel you must send some type of money, please make it a money order, or something to that affect, but in all honesty we do not need any money. I nor my friends started doing this with the idea of getting paid. We are paid when we are able to help others, that's our payment. When I am able to give a shirt to a girl who doesn't have one that fits, and she smiles that huge smile, I'm paid.

Thank you again,

Willow Monroe


  1. Oh wow, you are such a sweet and talented young person, an inspiration to many. I am blown away by how you are, you are so much more knowledgeful then you put on, and speaking to you on the phone showed that even more. You are amazing, keep up the good work I hope more people can help you, I'll be sending things I didn't sell in my yard sale your way tomorrow.

    Mary Sanders

  2. You are a great inspiration, I'll be telling everyone I know to send you stuff, I'll email you and get the information. Keep up the great work

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