Sunday, August 15, 2010


This is so freaky, I have had many animals throughout my life, and anytime one of them passes away we bury it at the cemetary, not a pet one just the normal one where everyone suppose to buried. I sometimes go and put flowers on their graves and things, it's weird I know because to many they are just stupid animals, but to me they were part of my family and were there when I needed them the most and so I treat them just like I would humans. Except this time when we go there it was different, there was a new planted person about 7 feet or so from where I bury my animals, the body was new and you could tell because of the soil. I didn't pay too much attention to it, I walked past and went to visit my animals, but while I was visiting them the craziest freakiest thing ever happened to me. I kept seeing this blue like glowing thing out the corner of my eye and when i'd look it would be gone, and it happened a few times and I looked at my fiance' and said "watch over there and just tell me if you see anything", and so he does for a bit then he's like no I don't see, wait, what the hell was that, and I was like "what did you see", and he's all I don't know, it's like a blue bug or something, and I was like "it was flying wasn't it", and he's all yeah, and so he watches some more, and sure enough he see's it again so this time he starts walking over towards it, and he sees it, it's like hiding kinda, and I of course wanting to see what it was go behind him, and it's this huge dragonfly, it's the most beautiful dragonfly I've ever seen it was big and blue and had some tints of teal and yellow but mainly a bright blue. My fiance' tells me don't touch it because they sting, so of course I don't because I don't want to be stung and besides that I'm not a big bug fan. While we are watching it fly and swoop I notice we are close to the newly planted person, so I being nosey, go and look to find out who it was that passed away, this is where the freaky part comes in, it says it's a lady named Adelle she was born in 1936 and died this year. Now none of that in itself seemed freaky, but the fact that they nicknamed her "Dragonfly" and they put a blue dragonfly on her headstone, yeah it freaked me out. I can't help but wonder if that was her somehow communicating that she was ok and at peace.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? If so how did you react, if not how would you react?

Willow Monroe

1 comment:

  1. Tanda and Tanda's momAugust 28, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    That's so scary, and yet cool at the same time, my mom said you should stay out of the cemetery lol. What if you bring something home, like a spirit, wouldn't that freak you out... either way, great post as all of them seem to be, I think your great, so does my mom

    xoxo Tanda
