Thursday, September 9, 2010

Joke from the 3rd Grade Class

So this is a joke my oldest son came home and told me, and before I begin it, I would like to say that I do not mean to offend anyone, this is simply a joke that I thought was funny as well as all of the 3rd grade class.
So a chinese man comes to america not knowing a single bit of english, and decides that he will learn it by watching commercials on tv. The first commercial he watches is all about me me me, the next one is about forks and knives, the third commerical is about lollipops and gum drops, and the last commerical is by Glade, and is the plug it in commerical.
Shortly after finishing the commerical's the police arrive at the man's door, and show him a picture of a child and ask if he knows who killed the child to which the man replies "ME ME ME", the cops then ask how did he kill the child to which he replies "Forks and Knives, Forks and Knives", the cops then ask him what he thinks he deserves for killing the child to which the man replies "Lollipops and gum drops, lollipops and gum drops", then the cops tell the man, you know we will put you in the electric chair for this crime, to which he replies "Plug it in, Plug it in"
hahahaha, again I don't mean to offend anyone by this, I am in no way trying to promote stereotypes, or saying it's fine to kill anyone as long as it's funny afterwards, it's simply a joke nothing more.

Willow Monroe

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious, I can't wait to tell everyone I know lol.
